Saskatoon's University Bridge (completed 1916)
- Stan Oleksinski, MD of Prince Albert, SK wrote, "I enjoyed this course immensely. It's one of the best courses I've attended. I highly recommend this for all family physicians, and it
should be mandatory for medical students and residents."
- Karen Weese, MD of Saskatoon, SK wrote, “Constant application to primary care and WHAT WORKS... I learned a ton... fantastic... highly recommended!”
- Nerine Kleinhans, MD of Kindersley, SK wrote, "For the first time I feel comfortable with CBT. I honestly don't know how I survived family practice before."
- Afnan Bibi, MD of Regina, SK wrote, "Drastically different from other CME.... very effective... certainly recommended"
- Anne Kavulu, MD of Regina, SK wrote, "Very practical... this seminar will change your practice!"
- Heather Halldorson, MD of Saskatoon, SK wrote, "Much more practical than other CME workshops... applicable to GP office visits"
- Helen Chang, MD of Regina, SK wrote, "Recommended. You owe it to yourself. You owe it to your patients."
- Hendrina Joubert, MD of Saskatoon, SK wrote, "Excellent... practical... recommended for sure"
- Jacob Manonyane, MD of Saskatoon, SK wrote, "Far more relevant with practical tools than other CME workshops I've taken... recommended!"
- Jelena Rudovica, MD of Regina, SK wrote, "Very helpful in treating chronically-ill, depressed, stressed, etc."
- Kathryn Walker, MD of Regina, SK wrote, "Excellent—I can use all of these strategies EVERY day... it's practical, time efficient & helpful for real change! Recommended."
- Sarah Liskowich, MD of Regina, SK wrote, "Very practical... lots of examples... can relate to it. Excellent presentation! Recommended."
- Tshipita Kabongo, MD of Preeceville, SK wrote, "Excellent... recommended"
- Brad Sperling, MD of Saskatoon, SK wrote, "Expert teaching... I'll be back"
- Edward Karpinski, MD of Saskatoon, SK wrote, "10 out of 10... definitely recommended"
- Khawaja Habib, MD of Regina, SK wrote, "Much better than other CME... it gives you practical tools for a wide variety of conditions"
- Kevin Ledding, MD of Saskatoon, SK wrote, "Great teaching style. Very approachable."
- Pieter Roets, MD of Moosomin, SK wrote, "Up there with the best"
- Andrew Kielly, MD of Swift Current, SK wrote, "Most if not all family physicians would benefit from this training"
- Corina Getz, MD of Saskatoon, SK wrote, "Lots of relevant, practical info. This workshop will greatly change my practice. Highly recommended!"
- Lourens Steenberg, MD of Swift Current, SK wrote, “Superior to other psychiatric CME.”
- Melane Steenberg, MD of Swift Current, SK wrote, “Great: Every physician should do it!”
- Veronica McKinney, MD of Saskatoon, SK wrote, “Excellent... absolutely a requirement!”
- Aimee Seguin, MD of Meadow Lake, SK wrote, “So many clinical applications... I can't wait to try.”
- Stephen Loden, MD of Meadow Lake, SK wrote, “Very applicable to everyday practice.”
- Chelsea Schemenauer, MD of Prince Albert, SK wrote, “Practical and applies to almost any pt encounter... covers difficult pt encounters in a way we are not taught in medical school... I
would definitely recommend it.”
- Neville Crane, MD of Biggar, SK wrote, “Simple, useful techniques well explained with appropriate examples... a "wow" level of expertise... worth every minute of your time... everyone will
learn something.”
- John Dosman, MD of Saskatoon, SK wrote, “The skills learnt in medical CBT courses are valuable tools that are unfortunately not well taught in medical schools.”
- Anne Huang, MD of Saskatoon, SK wrote, “Excellent & practical.... great & important training that should become part of standard training given the applicability.”
- Karen Weese, MD of Saskatoon, SK wrote, “Constant application to primary care and WHAT WORKS... I learned a ton... fantastic... highly recommended!”
- Paula Paley, MD of Saskatoon, SK wrote, "Fun, friendly, informative, and thought-provoking... a really great conference!"